

UA Ruhr Events

30. 09. 2021

The Future Forum: Before After

October 14 - 15, 2021

Future Forum 2021
Future Forum 2021

Hybrid Session highlighting the centers of entrepreneurship at University Alliance Ruhr with a special focus on start-ups.

Hosted by the German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH) New York, the Future Forum is a 1.5-day gathering of curious minds from academia, industry, the arts, and policy.

Before After-Stories of the Tipping Point, Visions for the Future:

The Covid-19 crisis upended nearly every industry and reshaped our lives and relationships. As we negotiate the next normal, hear the stories of the precise moment just before after, the tipping point at which change was decisively in motion and one's only reaction was either to evolve or to adapt. Before After is a framework for creating and integrating hybrid models for living, working, and learning.

More information and the registration link here.