

UA Ruhr News Center

22. 10. 2014

First RUHR SYMPOSIUM with a focus on functional materials

How do materials have to be designed and constructed to achieve a superior surface structure as well as optimal energy density and efficiency for the automotive sector? What thermoelectric characteristics will the wiring systems of tomorrow need to have? And what are the current trends in automotive lighting technologies?

Those and many more questions about functional materials and their potential for industrial and automotive applications will be addressed by researchers and industrial representatives at the first RUHR-SYMPOSIUM on October 22, 2014. Companies presenting their latest research at the symposium include BMW, Daimler, Evonik, Johnson Controls, Osram and Umicore.

Join the discussion, talk to automotive industry experts and find out about innovative research and future trends from experts in the fields of chemistry, physics and engineering. CENIDE (Center for Nanoscience at the University of Duisburg-Essen) and the CAR Institut (Center for Automotive Research) will be hosting the RUHR-SYMPOSIUM.

Registration and program