

UA Ruhr News Center

15. 05. 2024

Safer Spaces for Jewish students

Mutual empowerment and support: This is the aim of a safer space program for Jewish students at the universities of the University Alliance Ruhr. The next event will take place on May 21.

Jewish students encounter a multitude of challenges within the present circumstances. Engaging in an exchange about their own experiences and identities can foster a sense of empowerment. Thus, the Universities of the Ruhr Area offer students "Safer Spaces" in the summer semester 2024. These guided group discussions are organized by the Anti-Discrimination Network of the University Alliance Ruhr and run by OFEK e.V., a counseling center specializing in anti-Semitic violence and discrimination.

The group discussions are guided by a counselor and psychologist from the OFEK team. They address Jewish Students at Ruhr University Bochum, the Technical University of Dortmund and the University of Duisburg-Essen.

Together against insecurity: The aim is to support Jewish students at the three universities in the Ruhr region.
Together against insecurity: The aim is to support Jewish students at the three universities in the Ruhr region.
© Katja Marquard/RUB


The first exchange took place in April via Zoom. There are still two further opportunities to take part in the group discussion: 

  • May 21, 2024, 5 p.m.
  • June 18, 2024, 6 p.m.

Participants will receive the zoom access link by email after registration (

Further information are available at the RUB Anti-Discrimination Office.

Offer for Muslim students to follow

In the course of the summer semester, the Anti-Discrimination Office of the Ruhr University will also be offering a dedicated Safer Space for Muslim students. Further details regarding this initiative will be provided in the forthcoming weeks.