
We are looking forward to seeing you at the following events and conferences:

Next events

Transatlantic Ruhr Fellowship Program

July 27, 2024

New York | Bethlehem | Easton | Washington DC

Transatlantic Ruhr Fellowship Program 2024: Saturday July 27, 2024, until Sunday September 22, 2024

Top students from TU Dortmund, Ruhr University Bochum, and the University of Duisburg-Essen are annually selected as Transatlantic Ruhr fellows to gain hands-on experience.

Welcome Reception on Friday July 26, 2024 at the offices of UA Ruhr New York.

GAIN Conference

August 23, 2024

San Francisco

UA Ruhr participates in the Annual GAIN Conference from August 23, 2024 until August 25, 2024. More details on the conference is available HERE. Join us on Saturday August 24th for a workshop on Entrepreneurship and Academia and How to Successfully Apply to a German University -Priorities, Decision Makers, Structures-In the evening, please join us for an Alumni and Friends reception and invitation to the GAIN Science Slam: RSVP Coming Soon

Postdoc 2024

August 26, 2024

New York

Save the Date! Calling all young researchers:

Postdoc Fair 2024 on Monday August 26th, 2024 at the German Consulate New York at 5:30pm 

Your Research Career: Make Germany a Part of It! with keynotes on 

Young Minds, Smart Machines: ChatGPT & Co. in Your Research and Career 

Join us at the German House to network and explore collaboration opportunities with German researchers. Meet university representatives and learn about funding options. 

Date: Monday, August 26, 2024 
Time: 05:30 PM 
Location: German House, 871 United Nations Plaza, Manhattan 


Transatlantic Dialogue DEI

September 12, 2024

New York

The dialogue on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) seeks to foster an enriching exchange of perspectives, strategies, and best practices in promoting a culture of inclusivity within higher education institutions. Ruhr University Bochum's Vice President Isolde Karle shares her insights on the unique challenges and opportunities faced by our educational system, and hopes to develop collaborative solutions to advance DEI. Topics of discussion include: Cultural Differences and Similarities, Institutional Policies and Practices, Student Engagement and Support, Faculty and Staff Development, Community Engagement and Partnerships, and more. Participation by Invitation Only: RSVP Link for Invited Participants

Democracy and Diplomacy

September 25, 2024

Washington DC

The North-Rhine Westphalia (NRW) university liaison offices represented in the United States - Campus OWL, University Alliance Ruhr, University of Cologne - in cooperation with the German Embassy, American Friends of the AvH, German Research Foundation DFG, German Center for Research and Innovation DWIH NY, invite partners, alumni, and friends for a joint networking luncheon on Democracy and Diplomacy on the occasion of the TDE 2024 in Washington DC.

More information to follow. 

Building Trust in Artificial Intelligence

October 07, 2024

New York

UA Ruhr and the Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security invite stakeholders to our Expert Workshop on Building Trust in Artificial Intelligence.

The workshop spans two days and the program is currently being worked on.

  • October 7, 2024
  • October 8, 2024 

For more information please write to

Germany Grad Fair

October 08, 2024


The German Universities in North America virtual Grad Fair will be held on October 8, 2024 from 12:00-1:30 PM EST

Study in Germany! 

With hundreds of respected universities to choose from as well as it's location in the heart of Europe, no wonder that Germany consistently ranks as one of the most popular countries in the world for students. In fact, Germany has been ranked third best place to study abroad in 2024. Learn what opportunities await you for graduate studies in the Land of Ideas. 

Entrance is free with RSVP

Entrepreneurial Well-Being

October 08, 2024

Future's Fellowship Recipient Prof. Dr. Daniela Gimenez Jimenez conducts her research at TU Dortmund University long-time partner Lehigh University.

Join Lehigh University, the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center, and TU Dortmund University for a community conversation on the important topic of Entrepreneurial Well-Being.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 Time: 8:30am - 11:30am Lehigh University Health, Science & Technology Bldg, Rm L 185 (HST Building)

This panel discussion is dedicated to exploring and addressing the critical issue of entrepreneurial well-being in the fast-paced startup landscape. While entrepreneurs pour their energy into achieving milestones, the toll on their well-being is frequently underestimated and overlooked. The deep personal identification of founders with their ventures, coupled with the autonomy and meaningfulness derived from their work, drives entrepreneurs to work excessively long hours, often into evenings and weekends, leaving little time for recovery. This scenario exemplifies the "recovery paradox," where those most in need of recovery are the least likely to engage in it. Addressing this paradox requires targeted interventions to decrease entrepreneurial ill-being and promote well-being. To tackle these challenges, Lehigh University teamed up with the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center and TU Dortmund University in Germany to launch a comprehensive study on entrepreneurial well-being. By addressing entrepreneurial well-being, the insights and interventions developed can benefit a wide array of fields beyond entrepreneurship and business, fostering a holistic approach to mental health and productivity. The event encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing among diverse academic and professional communities, ultimately promoting a comprehensive approach to well-being in the modern workforce. Who Should Attend: Current and Aspiring Entrepreneurs Community Leaders and Policymakers Academics and researchers with an interest in entrepreneurship and/or health and well-being Ecosystem partners. 

Please send an email to Prof. Gimenez Jimenez,, if you want to participate in this event.