

UA Ruhr Events

23. 07. 2024

Entrepreneurial Well-Being

October 08, 2024

Future's Fellowship Recipient Prof. Dr. Daniela Gimenez Jimenez conducts her research at TU Dortmund University long-time partner Lehigh University.

Join Lehigh University, the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center, and TU Dortmund University for a community conversation on the important topic of Entrepreneurial Well-Being.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 Time: 8:30am - 11:30am Lehigh University Health, Science & Technology Bldg, Rm L 185 (HST Building)

This panel discussion is dedicated to exploring and addressing the critical issue of entrepreneurial well-being in the fast-paced startup landscape. While entrepreneurs pour their energy into achieving milestones, the toll on their well-being is frequently underestimated and overlooked. The deep personal identification of founders with their ventures, coupled with the autonomy and meaningfulness derived from their work, drives entrepreneurs to work excessively long hours, often into evenings and weekends, leaving little time for recovery. This scenario exemplifies the "recovery paradox," where those most in need of recovery are the least likely to engage in it. Addressing this paradox requires targeted interventions to decrease entrepreneurial ill-being and promote well-being. To tackle these challenges, Lehigh University teamed up with the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center and TU Dortmund University in Germany to launch a comprehensive study on entrepreneurial well-being. By addressing entrepreneurial well-being, the insights and interventions developed can benefit a wide array of fields beyond entrepreneurship and business, fostering a holistic approach to mental health and productivity. The event encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing among diverse academic and professional communities, ultimately promoting a comprehensive approach to well-being in the modern workforce. Who Should Attend: Current and Aspiring Entrepreneurs Community Leaders and Policymakers Academics and researchers with an interest in entrepreneurship and/or health and well-being Ecosystem partners. 

Please send an email to Prof. Gimenez Jimenez,, if you want to participate in this event.